"For my final project, I decided to explore something personal that felt familiar to me. So I combined two aspects of my life that have been close to me for what seems like my whole life. Zines and the restaurant industry."
"The zine itself, I wanted to feel like a server’s book. This is what waiters use to distribute checks and usually contains their paystub at the end of the week when they are handed them mid-shift. It’s a hectic work environment so it was also replicated through the cut-up paper and unaligned messages/handwriting. There are also motives of things that are found within the kitchen through little stickers that I used to decorate some blank space."
"The issue also resigns in some stereotypes that are placed on the Hispanic and Latinx communities. One is the pride we have as a community, when faced with a heavy workload we find it easier to suffer in silence than to ask for help. That is one of the main components as to why this issue tends to go unnoticed by others. Another is the idea that we are hardworking, don’t get me wrong, we are, but it shouldn’t be a point of overlooking one's health. It also is placed on the community as a way to justify the treatment that is placed in these workplaces that other Americans would not stay around for. Lastly, I touch upon this in the zine as well, but the hospitality factor. Once again is it something the community should take joy in being represented as, yet there comes a point where other people view this as a weakness and like stated before, is used to mistreat workers in the workplace." |